:D fui a orosi! bueno al mirador :p estaba muuuuuuuuuuuy lindo el lugar y pude sacar unas fotos que me encantaron ñ_ñ en general fue un dia precioso lleno de anectodas divertidas y curioooosaaaas (monjas incluidas XD... una larga historia .////. que no voy a contar XD) y.... la compañía.... simplemente GENIAL. Gracias a Bay, mi agradable guía turístico :p ... ñ_ñ fue un dia lindisimo (ASD) ahora algunas fotos!
:D que bien! cumpli las 5.000 visitas a mi blog! :D agradesco a quienes leen mi blog y a quienes han colaborado con el :D
XD tambien se me reinicio el clustermaps y perdi los puntos de donde me visitaban :p pero bueno, gracias de todos modos! (las visitas que tenia de japon eran las de Marcos cuando vivia alla, creo XD)
u_u seguiré poniendo contenido inexistente en este blog :3 tambien un nuevo proyecto estará pronto por aca, ademas de fotos del hokufam y otras cosillas vacilonas :D
una ves mas, gracias por visitar este humilde blog ñ_ñ
I feel like this song today :p alone, sad.... and my days are gray...
... for now.
I hope I can be better tomorrow u_u now its hard to me, but I know I can!
the Lyrics:
Come Back Tomorrow
It's not raining.. yet I feel the way I do it must be said Seems absurd, I know Maybe God or Hare Krishna made it so
Come back tomorrow, maybe I'll change Though the chances are remote, things stay the same If you want advice I'm afraid to say You made the wrong decision when you came my way
But I'll write you a sad song It won't take very long to do Tell you stories and make them Come alive if you want me to Can I write you a sad song It won't take very long to do?
So it's early, and I'm alone In a house that's made of cardboard, not of stone And my heart, feels the same Weather worn and fragile write this sad refrain
The sky outside is getting dark It's not raining yet, but listen to me talk Writing sad songs, yet again It's the prize for letting loneliness in
But I'll write you a sad song It won't take very long to do Tell you stories and make them Come alive if you want me to Can I write you a sad song It won't take very long to do?...
:s me siento mal, me siento culpable... pero creo que es la decisión acertada... ya no sabia como manejar tanta frustración... tantos sueños rotos.... el peso de unas alas quebradas siendo pisoteadas constantemente.
no voy a mentir, no es fácil haber terminado. fue culpa mía, decisión mía y ahora estoy afrontando las consecuencias. si hieres a los demás, nacerá en ti miedo a ser herido; si confías en otros esperas que también confíen en ti. sin nada que alegar, sin nada que decir.... con la cabeza baja me retiro, agradeciendo infinitamente todas las cosas hermosas que pasamos juntos, lo mucho que me ayudaste a madurar en estos cuatro años, todo lo bueno y malo que aprendí... cada segundo en general.... gracias de todo corazón.
I dreamed I was missing You were so scared. But no one would listen Cuz' no one else cared.
After my dreaming I woke with this fear. What am I leaveing, When I am done here?
So if you're asking me I want you to know...
When my time comes Forget the wrong that i've done Help me leave behind some reason to be missed. And don't resent me And when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory Leave out all the rest,Leave out all the rest.
Don't be afraid Of taking my beatings Of shit behind me.
I'm strong on the surface Not all the way through. I've never been perfect But neither have you.
So if you're asking me I want you to know...
When my time comes Forget the wrong that i've done Help me leave behind some reason to be missed. And don't resent me And when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory Leave out all the rest,Leave out all the rest.
Forgetting All the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well. Pretending Someone else can come and save me from myself. I can't be who you are...
When my time comes Forget the wrong that i've done Help me leave behind some reason to be missed. And don't resent me And when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory Leave out all the rest,Leave out all the rest.
Forgetting All the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well. Pretending Someone else can come and save me from myself. I can't be who you are. I can't be who you are.
._. bueno que puedo decir.... me siento muy muy extraña.... tanto esfuerzo he hecho... tantas cosas he pasado y no me siento feliz con el resultado de tanta lucha. aveces quisiera olvidarme de esa lucha totalmente, tomar un tiempo para curarme y no pensar mas en ello. pero el mundo entero me lo impide, la presion sube, yo contengo mis lagrimas....
si todo lo que hago es malo, si todo lo que hago lo hago a escondidas.... si mi alma es mala y de mi solo puede salir traición... si eso se espera de mi, las ganas de demostrar que no es así se me quitan. que piense lo que quiera.... que mi espíritu se muera.... ya no me importa. me undo sola.... me estreso sola.... no debería sentir estas cosas desagradables, sino felicidad. pero no es así. y yo no busco mi felicidad, busco la ajena... y quiero ver una sonrisa en los rostros de los demás, y olvido luchar por la mía.
hoy veo como esta la situacion, solo me keda esperar, esperar cuanto pueda soportar, con algo de ayuda me quitare este peso...
If I had the will to talk I wonder if you'd give a thought To what I had to say - help make it go away
Cos there's certainty in freedom And in that we must believe in Cos I saw on the news today
If I saw you in the street now Would I look the other way? I hope I'm strong enough to say - help make it go away
When all you see is hatred Spirits crushed and souls deflated Easy to leave it for another day
Peace is pushing for love Love is leading the way You should follow its path Darkness leads you astray Peace is pushing for love Love is leading the way
So this, my only voice to speak My message strong, my tone is weak I find it hard to say - help make it go away
And if I come across obtuse I urge you now to cut the noose Don't leave it for another day
Peace is pushing for love Love is leading the way You should follow its path Darkness leads you astray Peace is pushing for love Love is leading the way
If I had the will to talk I wonder if you'd give a thought To what I had to say - help make it go away
Cos there's certainty in freedom And in that we must believe in Cos I saw on the news today
Peace is pushing for love Love is leading the way You should follow its path Darkness leads you astray Peace is pushing for love Love is leading the way